Inspired by Chapter Twelve, verses seven and eight and by Chapter Sixteen, verse Twenty-Six, in the Acts of the Apostles wherein St. Peter and St. Paul were freed from their respective confinements by Herod in Jerusalem and by the Magistrates in Philippi, which passages inspired Charles Wesley to compose the hymn And Can It Be.


Grace undoes the gyves that shackle my soul
Grace releases me to share the light

Banner photography provided by Tom Wicker


He said to them, ‘Come and see.’ They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day.

That’s the tag line - the text on the buttons you can push. Taken from the Gospel of St. John, that’s what will take you to the “content” on this site — a landing spot for posts, pictures and thoughts on the Divine, the transcendent Creator, the immanent Savior, the ever-present Holy Spirit. A blog for thoughts that arise in the dead of night, while driving, or when engaged in study or reading. It isn’t limited to Biblical exegesis, but may range wildly in many directions.

And at the same time that we are justified, yea, in that very moment, sanctification begins.
— John Wesley, The Scripture Way of Salvation


Other locations


Some links to other sites I’ve created as well as some that you might find of interest.

If you find broken links or have difficulty in finding your way around, let me know and I’ll try to fix whatever’s broken. In the meantime I will strive to keep
moving on to perfection.”


I don’t have solutions so much as I propose answers. As questions occur to me I may blog about them here. As seasons pass, I may change my mind — or even my heart — but the Holy Spirit as revealed in Scripture will guide me. My goal is to pursue what John Wesley would call
sanctifying grace”.